Few Issues/Questions

Home Forums WPLMS AddOns WPLMS S3 Few Issues/Questions

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  • #93361
    I just purchased the s3 plugin, I have a few issues. I dont want to confuse users with shortcodes, but there is no preview of the image /video now, just shortcode tags on the front end - can i resolve this (on wp offload s3 it does this) How do i protect video downloads? Can we change the video player?
    Anshuman Sahu
    1. Well for preview can you please create a feature request for this here : https://wplms.io/support/forums/forum/general/feature-request/ 2. & 3. wplms does not have its own media player .It is the wordpress default media player that you see . You can use other third party plugins that modifies the wordpress media player to change the wordpress default media player .
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