I want to change the label name of Take this Course to Book Course
I follow this link(https://wplms.io/support/knowledge-base/change-take-this-course-label-for-selected-courses/) but it's not working
1. Please refer this tip on how to use coding tips.
2. If the above does not help, please share the exact issue you are facing while adding the tip.
actually I follow same rules as explained in that link but still when I update file it's stops working, so I have to remove the code to run everything
Translation why??? I need to change the label to 'Take this Course' to 'Book Course' (i.e english to english)
for that I have to do translation?? I don't understand
Hi Plz check this image hope it'll help
Yes you can translate that text from eng to eng .It would just substitute the text by the text you give .
Please refer For translation :
I think it's better to edit main core files instead of installing new plugin, It'll take too much time to change 1-2 sentence, any other tips to change the name instead of installing plugin
If you want to edit the main core files, you need to save your changes every time before the update.
After translation if you deactivate the plugin, translation will still work.
Alternate method :