Issues with live chat

Home Forums WPLMS Live WPLMS Chat Issues with live chat


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  • #179168
    but then how can students contact the course instructor if they cannot click on the avatar
    @stariflymanage Apologies from my side... I interpret the issue wrong. Check this: Yes, it is possible only you have to enable this setting from chat settings to have this feature in your plugin. If you still face any issue then Let me know  
    are you guys planning to add that feature where a user can start a direct chat by clicking on their profile and skip the whole invite member part?? Moreover, is there any way to increase the size of the icons in the chat window??
    @pentarray The setting to start a direct chat by clicking on the profile is already present in wplms chat. You have to just enable the setting. And, Which icons you want to have increased size in chat window please share the screenshot. It's better to create your own topic for your own issues so we can assist you better.
    1. I found that when you typed and sent the words, the words still remains even sent. Can the words disappear after sent? Because users need to delete all words if they want to sent new message.
    2. Can you help me to set enter as to send the message? I found is annoying that users has to manually use mouse to click enter.</p>
    3. File picker for the chat is not working for any of the member
    4.** I have not got the license key for the chat till now after emailing several times and cheking my spam folder several time.  
    @zerototuring Yes, File picker is a bug in wplms chat right now which we will fix in the coming update Apologies for this delay but you'll get the license key today for sure. It's a request to create your own topic so that we can track the progress of your issue and you'll get better assistance.    
    1,2. we'll add in 1.4 update this week end.
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