Landing Page Header Styling

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  • #46577
    I have created a landing page here I used page builder with the CSS styles per your video to drop the header and footer. I am using Visual Composer to create the content where the logo, heading, and the video is. As you can see I created a darker blue stretch row at the top that contains my logo. Is there a way I can make this darker blue row fit more tightly toward the top of the page and then move the white content area below this stretch row area to make this page flow better. Open for ideas.... Thank you BAM...!
    Anshuman Sahu
    Well if you have built this using the visual composer then please check your content specially rows that you have added .
    Thanks, Alex Yes I am and I think I almost got it last night. Just a little too tight at the top in mobile.
    Anshuman Sahu
    Please add the given css from wp-admin -> appearance -> customize -> custom css : @media (max-width:768px){.page-id-4853 .wpb_wrapper {     padding: 12px; }   }
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