Product Page text

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  • #58226
    Hi, how can I modify the text description of product page? I want use full space as your can see in attached file. tês
    Anshuman Sahu
    Well that can due to your content in the product description . On  our test site it looks like this : Can you please provide url of this product on which the issue is appearing and your admin credentials to check the issue further . PS : share credentials in a private reply .
    Hi there, here is the credencials Login: admin Pass: padraodwd123 Thank You!
    Anshuman Sahu
    Okay i checked your site. It seems like that have copied the content from single course page and paste it in the product descrtiption directly due to which all the html formatting is also added in the product description . this is the reason why it is appearing in half . refer : So please check the description content that you have added .
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