S3 plugin and AWS Cloudfront

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  • #104211
    Hi, I'm using your S3 plugin to upload and manage the .mp4 files that I uses in my WPLMS lessons. Problem is, download speeds are terrible for our customers living outside the United States. AWS has advised me to use their Cloudfront service to minimize these latency problems. Their instructions for setting up a RTMP distribution indicate that I need to provide my video files AND a media player file, like JW Player, Flowplayer, or Adobe Flash. Please advise on next steps. Do I need a media player file (it's not necessary with my current S3 set-up)? If so, what player should I use that won't conflict with the way WPLMS currently streams .mp4 files? Thanks!
    Anshuman Sahu
    I guess the only problem is with the source ,the media player files would be small compared to video files .I guess moving video filed would be enough . Also wplms doe not have its own media player .It uses wordpress media player .So anything that is compatible with wp media player would work just fine.
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