Upload /Create Certificates by instructors using FRONTEND

Home Forums General [ No Support Zone ] Feature Request Upload /Create Certificates by instructors using FRONTEND

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  • #72333
    Hi Vibe, Right Now there is no option to create/upload a certificate/certification card when creating the course or from the instructor dashboard so that whenever an instructor creates a course , that certificate is available to award to students. If there is a section in dashboard menu where instructors can upload their certificates ( multiple) and save , later use them in course's and award them to students. Similarly in the student dashboard if they complete a course and get a certification/certificate from instructor , show them in their profile/dashboard. As in a production site, Instructors/Users doesn't have access to back end, so there is no way for frontend users to use the certification feature, unless they send it offline to student.
    Is it possible to include this feature? as its very helpful if instructors can upload their own certificate and see them under course or profile ( all of their certificates -- if its a insititute or university). So when creating a course , they know the name of certificate to give. RIght now Instructor doesnt know what to give there.
    any updates on this feature?
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