URGENT!!!! Platform basic settings not working

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  • #236290
    Hello Team, I recently deployed the platform from Namecheap to Amazon AWS, after which I was not able to see all the LMS settings and also the instructor is also not able to edit the course. Along with that, the admin is not able to go the dashboard from the front end as the dropdown to select the dashboard is not visible. Please check and resolve. Please refer:- http://prnt.sc/q88n5p Please refer:- http://prnt.sc/q88nyz Also, I want the instructor to able to see the content of the course from the course page. Please refer:- http://prnt.sc/q88oeh. Please check for any more issues with the platform. And suggest some precautions or actions we need to take before migrating to the AWS.
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    hi #ratls, please check this URL:https://www.wpbeginner.com/wp-tutorials/how-to-move-wordpress-from-local-server-to-live-site/ and also contact your WebHost about the problem of permalink. they will resolve it.
    Hi Veronica, I did the migration using the migration method 1 from the blog you suggested. The problem was something different which is resolved. But I am still facing an issue with the instructor account not able to edit the course.  
    hello dear, I have checked your site and found that admin is not able to access the dashboard so please provide your FTP credentials in private reply.
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    hi, first, check from LMS>>All Assginment>>Edit an Assignment>> Check for Setting "Attachment Size in MB" if you have applied something in this section then try to remove this setting and then check what's the result will be then let me know. and also check for the Woo-Commerce status that what's the uploading size.
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    hi try this: http://prntscr.com/r19y90 make these changes in your file save the changes. hope this will help you.
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    hi, please provide the new api url that you have created.
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    hi, you have misunderstood what I said. do you really have an API call on which your above function is called? if you want that on completion of the unit it assigns the points then it will be done by customization request at the cost $29. and secondly, that API that you have provided above is none of the use for us because it's not the one that is used for the points that you have shared in the screenshot. so you can pay for the customization we will set up the code for you. there is no link between the things that you have shared. so please try to explain the entire workflow like which API call is encountered and which function is called on API hit etc. which will be typical for you if you are not a developer so please let us know. what you exactly want.
    Hi Veronica, Please allow me to explain. The WPLMS Points are not increasing when a student completes the unit. Use case: From the WordPress admin panel, we set a particular point of WPLMS Points for a particular unit using mycred addon. Click here. After that when a student completes the unit he gets the assigned points. Click here. Now the problem here is that when a student is completing a unit from the app, the points are not adding into his/her account. Please check that as it is a functionality error.
    Anshuman Sahu
    Ok can you please confirm if this issue happens on both website and app  or on app only? If yes then please share your valid ftp credentials to fix this issue at your end .  
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