activation email shows {{}}

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    Hello, I'm using wplms custom registration form, in activation email, at the firs line (i don't now where it is, don't see in email editor), it shows the tag {{}}, not the user name. I guess is something related to use custom registration form and need some buddypress like recipient name in order to link properly with email, but don't know how to do this. Any idea?   Thanks  
    @emism, Replacing the sender name is handled by Buddypress and I can't say specifically because of this it is not showing the sender name First, let me know are you using third-party plugin for Buddypress emails? And any custom code used in the wplms customizer plugin?
    No custom code, no thirdy party plugin. Just wplms registration form instead of buddypress one.
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    Hi emism, I was wondering if your issue has been resolved. Since the last few replies are marked private it is hard to tell. I have the same issue and it has been ongoing in another ticket and is still unresolved. I was wondering if it was respolved with you and if so would you please share the solution. Please contact me at shafique.awan AT gmail DOT com. Thank You I have come to a solution, not ideal but it works, so in case you are interested I can share what I have done so far.
    @sohohosts, In the above reply I showed him that even with wplms custom registration form and in the default registration form. The recipient name is not showing so this issue is not ours but from buddypress. Yes, please post here for other users as well what you have done to fix the issue
    OK it seems that this is a buddypress related issue. From what I have understood the information from the registration form is stored somewhere temporarily and does not exist where the {{}} is expected. Since there is nothing there until the account is created and activated the email does not show the name. I have solved this with the following, I must admit that it is not the best and most effective solution and leaves a little to be desired. First I will mention the shortcomings of the solution.
    1. Activation email and welcomes emails will be generic and can not be different for different roles.
    2. I am not sure about the Extended Fields in registration forms.
      OK so here what I ended up doing.
    1. Install FORMINATOR Plugin (Free to Use)
    2. Create a Registration Form using Forminator
    3. You can setup the form to send out activation email, OR create account directly and login. Redirect to a page of your choice on activation. I was unable to redirect to the WPLMS DashBoard as the URL is different for every login.
    4. You can make different registration forms for different roles.
    5. Create a page and embed the form in it using the Fotminator shortcode for the desired form.
    6. Change the default login form at WPLMS->BuddyPress->Custom Registration Page
    7.  For Instructor login form of course you need to change the link to the page in the footer or wherever you have the link. In the courses there is a standard button "Become an Instructor" the link can be changed at wp-admin->wplms->course manager->Become an Instructor Page
    8. The forminator form can be set up to send out an activation email and activation link. It can be set to redirect to a certain page after the activation. It can be setup to show a different message if the user is already logged in instead of the login form.
    9. I then installed "WP HTML EMAILS" to make the emails look good or better. There are still some formatting issues but it does the job..
    10. Since we are totally by passing the BuddyPress functionality here there is no welcome email after the account activation. So I installed "BETTER NOTIFICATIONS FOR WP" this triggers the Welcome Email when the account is activated. You will have to add the email, there are other triggers as well that may interest you.
    So far it all seems to be working, and no effect on the other functionalist elsewhere. If anyone improves on this please update here.
    thank you for your fantastic answer @sohohosts, I will give it a try, and also because I am also finding some limitations with the wplms custom forms functionality, in order to do some complex forms. Your answer give me a lot of useful information, thank you very much! @Diana, sorry, yes, you're right I was using again buddypress registration form for students, and activation email is working ok, with recipients name showing ok (as you can see on user Estudiante1 on the same capture you showed me before, I was doing some checks and the user name works ok with Buddypress registration form, accessible clicking  on the top area "registro" access (the place with the user login and registration access). So I don't understand how did you check that user registration,,,(?) The buddypress registration form is working ok. But as I said, I will try sohohosts solution, just for see if FORMINATOR plugin can solve me some issues....  
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    @sohohosts, Finally my solution was using Buddypress registration form for students, that actually is working fine and is showing recipient name ok in my case, and for instructors, which I need some more complex registration form and are users that we need to activate manually, so we don't need activation email, so for them we are using wplms custom registration form. But your approach gave me some ideas, like I said in my previous message. Thank you for sharing it
    @emism Quote Finally my solution was using Buddypress registration form for students, that actually is working fine and is showing recipient name ok in my case, Unquote Correct for the Default Form in my experience as well Quote for instructors, which I need some more complex registration form and are users that we need to activate manually, so we don't need activation email, so for them we are using wplms custom registration form. UnQuote In my experience the activation email did not have the name. In the forminator form there are various <b>Activation Methods </b> <b>By default, the user account is activated on form submission. However, you can choose between Email Activation which requires the user to click on an activation email or Manual Approval which requires site admin to approve an account. I may request please if you can improve on this please do share.</b>
    @sohohosts, I am testing the Forminator plugin and is such a pleasure of plugin! It has a function that I need,  the pagination option... But for the recipient name option on activation email, in the case of instructor form, I will not need this, because I will do manual approval, so I don't think can fix that issue you have. If I find some information, I will share... Regards and thanks again!
    @emism and @sohohosts You guys are actually helping a lot of people here. I am really thankful on behalf of vibe team family I am keeping this topic open so if you find some other information you can post here And then ping me to close this topic
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