Activity Access and Filtration

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  • #252805
    Hi, I have some concerns related to activities and I would need your help finding a solution for all of or part of them. This will be very helpful. 1- I've set the activity setting to "student activity" only because I don't want to allow a students to see see other students activities. However, I want to Allow that student to see activities of instructors only which are posted under update, news and announcements. 2- Hide some activity filtration from the list and keep others like update, new and announcements. 3- Set the default activity filtration to announcement instead of "everything". Hope to hear from you soon, Kind Regard, Anas
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    hello, activity filtration available wplms me you can totally hide other activties or show all of them right now but this is possible via custom code which would be time taking and complex and we are not free at this time busy in finalising wplms 4.0 . after that we can check this
    Hi Veronica! Your answer is not clear! I have listed three concerns, Could you please give more specific answers or solutions. I understand that fixing all of them might need a big customization but I'm interested if there is a quick fix for any one of them, especially point number 3. Kind Regards, Anas
    hi, 1. This is not available as of now.
    2. This is possible with css option can be hidden.
    3. we can try this with jquery codes. if you want the same then please let us know.
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