add a accept terms and conditions in custom registration

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  • #267208
    Hello there, I don't understand how properly add an accept terms and conditions checkbox in the custom registration. If I follow that: then! 1) I get some visibility options for that field that no ones cares 2) In the profile page I have a terms and conditions checkbox appearing also wich makes no sense.. And now if I use css to remove this profile problem then the checkbox diseapears in the registration to... Seriously how can this makes me loose more my time ??? Sorry for beiing fedup but there a BUNCH of mini little problems like that with wplms and I begin to be bored working on stupid technical problem instead of doing my courses :( please help with this basic feature...
    Hello I could resolve my problem by using this css .wplms_registration_form .field-visibility-settings-toggle {display:block !important;} .profile .field_terms-and-conditions{display:none;} What am I doing wrong ? is there something I missed, an option to do that simplier ? I just loose my time with this kind of stuff.. Terms and conditions checkbox should be implemented automatically... I should do my courses instead of learning css :( :( did I miss something, am I a completely noob ?? :( thanks
    Hello, Well to add terms and conditions ,you can add a profile field from wp-admin -> users -> profile fields ,and then select this profile field in your custom registration form . If there is any style issue then share with proper screenshot, Thanks,
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