Regarding this post: https://wplms.io/support/knowledge-base/assign-groups-to-users-on-registration/
We want to develop a functionality like when a student student fills the custom registration form, he has to select from a list of batches.
Depending on his selection, the student will be automatically enrolled in that batch.
1. I have created a custom registration form and 3 batches (using WPLMS Batches plugin).
From LMS - Settings - General - Registration Forms - I selected from ADD TO BUDDYPRESS GROUP field the option "Enable user to select from all groups", but on the registration page there is no dropdown with the list of batches displayed where the user can select the group he wants to join.
Could you help me with this?
2. If there are 3 batches in this dropdown, is it possible for the student to select more than 1? In other words, is it possible that the student to enrol to more batches?
Thank you,
First, you need to create Buddypress Groups: http://prntscr.com/w5tli9
This is what Buddypress Groups are: https://buddypress.org/about/groups/
Then these groups will appear as a dropdown on registration page when you include in your form as shown in the article
Selecting More than 1 batch: https://wplms.io/support/knowledge-base/member-types-and-group-types/