Assignment Link should open in Same Window

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  • #103824
    I'm back again! I have a suggestion --  whenever a user clicks on the assignment link in a course, it opens to a new window. It would be much easier if that were not the case...the assignment link should open in the SAME window, since there's a "Back to Course" link already on that page. Thanks!  
    I second that!  
    This is an important one. I've seen it requested many times on the forum and it makes sense. The current workflow/experience for the user is indeed confusing or at least not very optimal. I understand this is hard coded (and some code suggested in one of the forum posts where this was requested didn't work), but implementing would mean a big improvement in the user experience. Currently the user clicks on the Assignment link and a new window is open. Upon completing the assignment the user submits it and can see the BACK TO COURSE button. Clicking on the button will indeed take the user to the course BUT: 1 - he's taken back to the course landing page, not the exact point where we left off when starting the assignment 2 -he's taken back to the course, but on the NEW window. So now the user has 2 windows to do the same thing. A quick fix could be making the BACK TO COURSE button simply close the window, because that would reveal the original window where the user clicked to get to the assignment. A better experience would be for the Assignment to open in the same window, of course! Thanks for considering this! Cheers
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