Assignment specific closing day

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  • #299014
    Hi! We have a course set up with a final assignment. This assignment have a specific duration (eg 7 days) that begins to run from the moment the student opens it. So if they open it on the 1st day, they will have delivery time until the 8th day ... but if they open it on the 3rd day the time would be until the 10th day. What we want to do is have a certain deadline ( eg such as the 8th day) regardless of the day they opened the assignment. If they opened it on the 1st, they will have 7 days, if they opened it on the 3rd day they will have only 5 days. Is it possible? Can you help me? Thank you
    Sorry, this feature is not available. But if you have a freelancer, I can suggest you the way to implement this feature
    Thanks Diana. Yes, can you please suggest me how to implement it? Another option would be to close the course the day on the delivery deadline? Thank you
    Yes, you can do both ways. My idea is to add a setting in Assignments. Whenever students start the assignment, we are recording this in activity table. From the activity table, you will get the date when the user started the assignment and you can restrict the access on the basis of that. Add a setting like Submission deadline and save in post meta(the setting values) and restrict according to that
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