avatar doesn't appear after update

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  • #21245
    Hi, How are you? I have an issue abour my avatars and the theme structure. I asked you about that yesterday but I didn't have an anwer. I have problems with my theme after update. My avatars doesn't appear, and my dashboar looks horrible. I don't know what happen. I saw I had to resave permalinks, Well, I went to my permalinks page, and select the button that says save, resave, I didn't change nothig or something like that. is something wrong with the way I resave permalinks? Please help me, my theme looks awful. Somethin is wrong with this. Because, if I don't have a profile picture, any avatar is shown instead and it looks horrible.  
    Anshuman Sahu
    Please upload a default avatar from wp-admin -> wplms -> buddypress -> default avatar :  http://prntscr.com/9vgcpj refer tip t-on how to upload an image in wplms settings : https://wplms.io/support/knowledge-base/adding-or-uploading-image-for-badge-parallax-logo-notworking/
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