Behavior of links in a grid of units

Home Forums Legacy Support Support queries How-to & Troubleshooting Behavior of links in a grid of units

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  • #110787
    Hi, I need to modify the link for each unit in a grid of units. If the user has access to the unit because it is free or because it has the paid membership, entering the unit from the grid works well because it enters the select unit. But the problem is for users who are not logged in or do not have paid membership. You are currently redirecting them to a page with the message "DIRECT ACCESS TO QUESTIONS IS NOT ALLOWED". I need them to be redirected with the same behavior as when entering through a course. For example, for a free course module, you have to be redirected to the course page. For a module of a course with membership, you have to be redirected to our price page. Thk!
    Anshuman Sahu
    Well actually no logged in users can only see free units . They do not even see the  link in the course curriculum . FOr logged in users if they are not added to course  the link is not even activate also So they wont see this warning message unless they access the unit or question link directly . only instructors who created that unit and admins can see the units on single unit page  . So can you please share your issue in detail ?
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