Breadcrumb localization:

Home Forums Legacy Support Support queries Translation issues Breadcrumb localization:

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  • #110815
      Dear support team, I'm using Loco Translate plugin to localize my WPLMS. However, I found some strings in breadcrumb do not show up in .po files. And some text in breadcrumb displayed as slugs instead of names. Please see in attachments for detail and help me figure this out, thank you.
    You need to change the permalink of the course category in the Wp-admin->settings->permalinks. Manage is the name of the page, you simply need to rename the page name.
    Dear Skywalker, Thank you for the reply, but I couldn't find the correspond permalink setting for course-cat child items. I think I should describe my problem again: 1. for example, I have a course category named '數位行銷', and its slug 'digital_marketing' 2. It supposed to show '數位行銷' in breadcrumb, but it shows 'DIGITAL_MARKETING' instead. 3. Other pages are fine. Only occurs on Category Archive pages.
    You simply need to change the name of the pages and the course name so as to make them appear so in your language in the breadcrumb.
    Hi, I followed this video and solved my problem. Thank you. It's nothing to do with breadcrumb after all.
    #cheers :)
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