Buddypress E-mails Tokens

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  • #89021
    Hi, I would like to customize the touchpoints emails.
    • Where can I find a list of tokens to use? For example, I want to include the course name (with link), student name, etc.,
    • I have migrated to buddypress e-mails, but it doesn't use the template. It only sends text in white background.
    Thank you once again :)
    Anshuman Sahu
    1. Well there is no such list because you cannot use a token from one email in other  email .You can only use the token which are available in that email . 2. Please make sure that you have setup an email template from wp-admin->> emails-> customize .
    1. So, How can I Know the token to be used? For example, course name and student name for "Course suscribed" Touchpoint. 2. Yes, I have setup an email template from emails-customize, but it doesn't use it.
    Anshuman Sahu
    1. It would be in that email .check : http://prntscr.com/dttpa2 2. Please make sure that wplms html emails are disabled from wp-admin - > lms -> settings -> emails -> email options . ALso check if there is any plugin that you are using for emails .Try deactivating it .Moreover if wplms html emails are disabled then all the control for emails is taken by buddypress and it is solely responsible for it .
    1. Sorry, but it is "Unit name", I need Course name (with link), student name and teacher name 2. OK, this is disabled and it doesn't work. I'll contact with buddypress support.
    The 2º is solved (I was using Mandrill and it uses the mandrill templates)
    Anshuman Sahu
    1. that would not be possible as of now .Please create a feature request for this here
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