Buddypress navigation menu

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  • #71003
    Hi guys, For different purposes we needed to have all the navigation on the top of the web so having a second navigation line such as the buddypress navigation under the cover photo is confusing for our users so we would like to eliminate that navigation line in the user profile, I mean hide it, but when I try to hide it using css it actually hides more navigation lines than wished such as the groups navigation line. My question is: how so I hide the buddypress navigation line on users profile but at the same time show the buddypress nav line on groups. We need the Groups nav line because we are using Batches plugin and if that nav disappears we cannot access all the menu options for groups. This is the code I was using: .elegant #buddypress #item-nav div#object-nav.item-list-tabs  { display:none; } But it affects to all buddypress nav. What would it be the code to hide it only for the user profile and keep it for group batches? Thanks in advance,
    H.K. Latiyan
    Try adding the page specific css like this: .elegant.bp-user.profile #buddypress #item-nav div#object-nav.item-list-tabs { display:none; }
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    H.K. Latiyan
    Try adding the bellow custom css: .elegant.bp-user.profile #buddypress #item-nav div#object-nav.item-list-tabs { display:none !important; }
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