Buddypress vs Woocommerce vs activation issues

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  • #166604
    Dear WPLMS Team, There seems to be a wide spread issue with user registrations, account activation links (e.g. invalid keys through woocommerce) and how buddypress and woocommerce tie together (not only related to your theme). I need some clarity, therefore I list my questions and assumptions below. 1) Is it correct that buddypress and woocommerce registrations are two separate things? 2) What's the best way to keep both in sync? Is it your plugin: Vibe BuddyPress WooCommerce, available on https://github.com/VibeThemes/vibe-buddypress-woocommerce? 3) Can I assume that this plugin (mentioned above) is maintained and/or up to date? 4) What's the best practice to handle Woocommerce and buddypress? For example: is it recommended to deactivate buddypress registrations and just allow registration through the woocommerce checkout page (for me this would suit, but others probably need both). 5) Do you know a way to handle activation-link issues through woocommerce? Is there a way to resend renewed activation links to users (both buddypress and woocommerce)? 6) You recommend W3 Total Cache at other places in this forum: What specific settings are necessary which could relate to user account creation, activation link creation and shop issues? Thanks, Georg
    Anshuman Sahu
    Hi, 1. yes , these are two different things. 2. Woocommerce and buddypress are  two different plugin used by wplms. For sync please activate this setting in wp-admin>lms>Show WooCommerce/Pmpro account in profile Yes, this plugin is made by wplms. 3. Yes this plugin is maintained. 4. The registration of both plugins is required, So kindly avoid to deactivate these plugins.  
    Thanks for your reply. Can you also say sth about Question 5 and 6? Thanks, Georg
    Anshuman Sahu
    1. There is no activation link in woocommerce. You can resend activation through manage sign-ups.
    Go to wp-admin>user>manage signup
    1. Disable caching for page, browser,non logged-in user. Also disable cart page and dashboard page.
    Tip : https://wplms.io/support/knowledge-base/wplms-with-w3-total-cache/
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