Bulk Export issue

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  • #7014
    I'm having issues with the bulk export from LMS->Settings->Import/Export Please refer to the attached screenshots.  The page just shows a blank screen basically after I've chosen what I want to export.
    Anshuman Sahu
    Please try adding the quiz id in the export settings  . Also try to exporting the quiz without user data .
    I completes if I only select a few options, but I'm trying to export all the answers from all the students who took a specific quiz.  Is there another way to go about it?
    Or do you have a SQL statement I could use to just query the db?
    Anshuman Sahu
    There may be possibility that your php memory is exhausting for fetching to much of data with a single query  . Can you please share how many of the students took the quiz that you want to export and how many questions are there in the quiz ?.
    There were approximately 287 people that took the quiz.  I have full control of the server, as it is self hosted behind a firewall.
    The export is not a small query, it would fetch the Quiz, Questions included in the quiz, Question answers marked by all the 287 users who marked the quiz, result of each marked answer correct or wrong. You can simply get this data from Quiz - Stats area : If you still need a query for Quiz results try this out : SELECT p.post_title,u.display_name,m.meta_value FROM wp_posts as p LEFT JOIN wp_postmeta as m ON p.ID = m.post_id LEFT JOIN wp_users as u ON m.meta_key = u.ID WHERE p.post_type = 'quiz' AND p.ID = 1131 AND m.meta_key REGEXP '^[0-9]+$'   1131 is the quiz id for which you need the student and scores.
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