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  • #137446
    One Student finish the course and the certificate didn't appear as it should have: https://prnt.sc/hgglf2    
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    H.K. Latiyan
    Hi, The issue is with your certificate height and width, I have changed the height and width of the certificate template . Now you can adjust it with your custom css. ------------ For the users to access the finished course there is a setting present in the wp-admin->wplms->course manager->finish course access, set it to yes.
    Thank you very much! Closing the topic  
    Sorry I had a small issue. In the wplsm the settings are set to yes (<span style="color: #4b4d4d; font-family: Lato; font-size: 14px;">wp-admin->wplms->course manager->finish course access, set it to yes )</span> I asked to the student take a screen shot, she says that she can't access the course after she cliked in "end course" , It shows course under evaluation, Do I have to authorize her in some way to get the certificated and have access to the course in other place? If so, could you please show me or tell me how. Thanks
    sorry forgot the screen shot https://prnt.sc/hjgw9a
    H.K. Latiyan
    Hi, This means your course is set to be manually evaluated. In this case you'll have to go to the course admin->submissions->course submissions, and then get the pending evaluations and then evaluate the course and provide the marks to the student. Refer: http://prntscr.com/hjp68d If you want this to be auto evaluated then edit the course and in settings section set the course evaluation mode to automatic. Now the course will be set as finished, now the student can click on the finish course button and access the course.
    Hi, You correct the height and width but the certificate still appears like this: https://prnt.sc/iigyc0 for less than a second it stays like the image in the left and than it changes to the image in the right Is there something I can do to make it right?
    Anshuman Sahu
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