certificate black

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  • #66016
    Hello, My certificate used to be showing just fine, but for some reason now it keeps turning black. http://www.learngermanwithania.com/certificates/certificate-2/ Any idea why this is happening? Thank you!
    You can please check if you want user:[email protected] PW: lkRm*skIy6gSwNY^jYkmGht) And my site is also loading very slowly with WPLMS. Do you have any idea why this is?
    H.K. Latiyan
    I checked your site and found out that the image that you have set in the certificate is not loading, it is showing  the 404 not found error, refer: http://prntscr.com/c8yifz Please try removing the image and then again upload the image and then check. Let me know if this helps.
    Ok I just changed that. But it's still turning black :(
    Anshuman Sahu
    Ok I checked a certificate template which you have shared link above . I found that the background image url was coming from a different domain . So i removed the back ground and upload it again and with some css i was able to fit the background .Now certificate is working fine . Please check and confirm .
    Hi Alex, Thank you so much! This is working now. However there are still two problems: 1) The PDF version stretches and so the writing gets blurry 2) When I choose "print" and safe as PDF there is some weird writing on the document. Please see the 2 enclosed files.
    H.K. Latiyan
    1) This is because of the width height you have provided in the cedrtificate. So please change it accordingly to adjust the certificate. 2) When you print the certificate then on the left side at the bottom you can see some settings. From there remove the header and footer and also change the size of the certificate to remove the writings.
    Thank you for your response 1) So what is the perfect width and height? I feel like when I change it, then it looks bad in the preview. Can you please tell me what size to use? http://www.learngermanwithania.com/certificates/certificate-2/ Thank you!
    H.K. Latiyan
    Your height is set to 900, try to reduce this height to say 600. Let me know if this helps.
    Ok thank you! And one of my students just send me a message, saying the following:   "When I click on the certificate it shows, however without the date of completion. When I click on the little pdf section on the side to download it nothing happens." So pdf and the date of completion still don't work....
    Anshuman Sahu
    Okay i have modified your certificate again .Please check and confirm .
    Oh thank you very much, Alex! I will ask her and see if it's working now...   One more thing. I actually thought I fixed the slider, but for some reason it still keeps disappearing after some time. (please see screenshot)  
    Oh I can't add a screenshot :(
    H.K. Latiyan
    I couldn't replicate the issue on your website, refer: http://prntscr.com/cmj167 The slider is not disappearing from your website. PS: You can try using prntscr.com for sharing the screenshots.
    Yes, it does after a while. Please have a look here:   http://prnt.sc/cn8id3   Thanks!
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