Certificate committees

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  • #152151
    So I was looking through the forum for an answer but wasn't able to find one. Hopefully this is in the right place. As I understand it, the instructors would be able to create certifications? What if I want to pull this level up one layer higher. Admins through the appropriate certifying body would create guidelines for certifications and approve certain instructors to create courses that can go towards certification. This would also create an "approved" instructor role where they can create courses towards certification. Those who want to create courses but arent approved yet can submit courses to be reviewed by certification committees. This would help reduce frivolous certificates and abuse of power. It also helps the company create bundles that goes towards certificates as another way to monetize the site. Thank you
    Anshuman Sahu
    Hi, Please paste this code in wp-admin>plugin>editor>WPLMS customizer plugin   add_action('init',function(){ $teacher_capability=array( 'delete_posts'=> true, 'delete_published_posts'=> true, 'edit_posts'=> true, 'manage_categories' => true, 'edit_published_posts'=> true, 'publish_posts'=> true, 'read' => true, 'upload_files'=> true, 'unfiltered_html'=> true, 'level_1' => true ); add_role( 'approved_instructor', __( 'approved instructor' ), $teacher_capability ); });   After that add this plugin : https://wordpress.org/plugins/user-role-editor/ Use this plugin to edit certificate capabilty for this role and after thet you can achieved what you want. Refer : http://prntscr.com/j0nn26
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