Certificate Size

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  • #75376
    Hi, I have uploaded an image to use for the certificate but no matter what dimensions I put in I cant get it to display/print as A4? http://prntscr.com/cw8lnx http://prntscr.com/cw8mwo Thanks Damien  
    I simply want it to print as A4 Landscape not Potrait.
    H.K. Latiyan
    For this the setting is present when you print the certificate, you get the option to choose landscape or portrait, refer: http://prntscr.com/cwktfo
    OK, so I set height and width on certificate and everything lines up fine.  http://prntscr.com/cx26ow  http://prntscr.com/cx277y When you view the awarded cert as a student it appears fine http://prntscr.com/cx288d  but when you want to print it as Landscape it overflows the page http://prntscr.com/cx28s3  http://prntscr.com/cx2914  This was when the height was 900px so i reduced it to 800px but no change.  I did notice that it appears to have some sort of padding at the top http://prntscr.com/cx29os ...not sure why this is? When I print it as Landscape it splits over to sheets and when you look at it as PDF it fits on one page but also shows a second blank page below http://prntscr.com/cx2b84   http://prntscr.com/cx2bi7 Please advise how can I get it to print as Landscape on a single A4 sheet? Thanks Damien  
    H.K. Latiyan
    This topic is already marked as resolved, let me know if the issue is resolved. PS: If the issue is not resolved and the topic is marked as resolved, then it may lead to ignoring the topic or closing the topic.
    what are the dimensions for portrait 8.5 inch wide by 11 inch tall?
    The recommended size is 800 * 600. But it also depends on the image which you are using for the certificate template
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