Change button color (standard and hover)

Home Forums Legacy Support Support queries Styling issues Change button color (standard and hover)

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  • #114870
    Hi, I'm trying to change the button color of "Take this Course" in the Course page, now the button is transparent with a colored border and text (ffcfd3) and the hover transform it in a button ffcfd3 with black text. How can I invert it?, I want the button ffcfd3 and when hover transparent with border. Can you help me please?
    Go to wp-admin->appearance->customiser->add custom CSS-> add these lines and save. a.course_button.full.button {background:#ffcfd3 !important; } .course #content .widget.pricing a.course_button.full.button:hover {border-color: #ffcfd3 !Important;background:#fff !important; color:#ffcfd3 !important;}
    Thank you Skywalker, just missing to change text color because button and background are the same color.   Can you tell me what and where to include? Thanks.  
    a.course_button.full.button {background:#ffcfd3 !important; color :red !important;}
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