Connected course not appearing in Quiz

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  • #3744
    The quiz in edit mode doesn't show the connected course "only when the course isn't published" but as and when we publish the course, connected course shows up. Now logically speaking, when I am already creating a course how can I publish it once I am done 100% that includes quiz too. I want that connected course should be seen while I am making the course so that I get a clear idea as to which is it connected to. Or have you coded it in such format as that when the course is published only then the course will be automatically connected.   Please help asap.
    Anshuman Sahu
    Yes this was an  issue in the quiz dropdown. This has been fixed already and will be available in the update .(1.9.9)
    Thanks make it asap.
    Anshuman Sahu
    This has been fixed in the update 1.9.9 .
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