Course access from the "Member profile"

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  • #184972
    Course access from the "Member profile" is very confusing to me and my students. I made a video. Is there a setting I am missing?" Why does the name of the course link to a placeholder that has no link to the actual course.. just these Dead Links with a Video graphic that says 00:00:00
    Hi, The Unit Duration is showing 0:00 Your unit duration was not set. That's why it is showing 0:00 refer: Issue 2: The Link is not clickable from curriculum
    1. The Unit link in active only if the course is free.

    2. If in your case the unit is not set to be free, then Only administrator has the right to view the unit from the curriculum

    3. If you want that user can also view the unit from the curriculum then right now this is not available in wplms. This will be available in our coming update.

    So whenever the user will complete the unit, the link will be clickable in the curriculum section

    This is really confusing for people and I do not want to go back and set this for every course. Is there a way to turn this "display" OFF from the users dashboard on the whole site. I see absolutely no reason to even show this info. These "default settings" in WPLMS are somewhat infuriating.
    Hi Sadasiva108 Issue : hide unit duration for user We don't have this feature to display OFF the unit duration only for User. But below is the custom CSS code which would hide the unit duration for everyone,i.e, admin, instructor and user. Please paste this custom CSS  code to WP Admin – Appearance – customize - custom css - publish .course_curriculum .course_lesson span.time {display:none;}  
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