Course evaluation issue

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  • #314943
    1. When instructor/admin goes to manage courses / submissions and tries to evaluate - he doesnt see a success message, just spinning tab, after refreshing page the submission is gone but we need to check manualy if it was evaluated successfully or not.

    2. Is there a way to auto evaluate a course based on several quizes by taking the result from a particular one and if yes how.

    3. Sorting courses isnt working properly

    Please see video for more information:

    1. The notification snackbar issue is now resolved in wplms plugin version 1.4.3 , please update.

    2. Ensure the course is set to auto-evaluate.

    3. ok, yes, this is totally possible. The courses have 1 final exam which should be the end result .

    The complete course loading never stops, could be an issue that the Server API process in the backend died out. The course was evaluated, but post evaluation actions triggered a memory limit error, this can be confirmed from your server error_logs. Also, since the course is evluated, you will not see it in pending courses at 3:04 of the video which is the correct behavior. This can happen if your server has low memory and it might be sending emails, generating a PDf certificate. A fix for this is your increase the PHP memory limit to 256 mb. This is a bug, when switch to Evaluated course, the same evaluation shows opened up. <-- This has been fixed again in 1.4.3 releasing in few minutes. Thank you for sharing the search bug, this happens only when you copy and paste. So, if you can simply put a "space" after your pasting of the keyword in the search bar this would correct.

    Thanks Mr Vibe, I will check and write back
    Okay, but please do not forget to update here
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