Course stats – Date Joined ‘N.A.’

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  • #274213
    Hi, Through the 'stats' section in the admin dashboard of our course, we downloaded a list with the Date (Joining), Date (Finished) and the unit status of our students. Some students have a start date which indicates 'N.A.'. We assume this refers to people who haven't accessed the course at all after purchasing. However we noticed that some students have finished a couple of modules of the course, but their start date still says 'N.A.'. This is contrary to what we thought 'N.A.' stood for. Please let us know how we should interpret 'N.A.' as a start date instead. Thank you! Kind regards
    hi, this start date comes from start course activity if they do not have this activity then date wont show. are you using wplms app or imported users to course via csv file? please check the users fro whom it is not showing if the activity is recorded or not
    Hi, All these students bought the course through WooCommerce. We found out that the users that show course activity and at the same time show 'N.A.' for their start date, purchased the course more than once. Probably what happens is that they don't start the course on first purchase, but only after the second, time. The activity is being updated but not the start date (Date joined). Kind regards
    Hi, We are trying to get an idea of how our students progress throughout the courses. To do this we export the course stats form the admin dashboard. When comparing the students who bought the course through WooCommerce to the ones in the course stats exported csv file, we notice that there is no course data available for some students who purchased the course. How come that some students are not shown in the course statistics? We assumed they would be marked as 'N.A.' in case they hadn't started the course yet. Would you also be able to specify the difference between 'student started the course' and 'student subscribed to the course' when it comes to user activity? For some students it shows that they started the course multiple times. Does this simple refer to them clicking on 'start course' every time they resume the course? Kind regards
    Hi, Upon investigation we noticed that the data that is being exported through the 'stats' section in the admin dashboard for our course, only shows data up until July 10. In the meantime, students have been purchasing and working on their courses, but we cannot view this activity in the csv with the stats. We downloaded the csv with the stats for the first time on July 10. Could it be that our platform is not updating the data and gives us the same data over and over (from July 10)? We have clicked the 'calculate' button a couple of times and each time we want to download the stats it mentions that it is 'processing' first, before getting the csv ready. Kind regards
    Anshuman Sahu
    Please share your course url and username or email of the user whose data is not showing in the export along with admin credentials in private reply .
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    Anshuman Sahu
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    Anshuman Sahu
    Yes it always shows the very first date the student starts the course in and does not show the date when user re starts the course.This has been fixed at your end please check now .  
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