Custom links, colors of widgets dashboard and other

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  • #50648
    Hello, 1) I followed your instructions on how to "Add/Edit Custom Links in the Logged in Login Panel" from your Knowledge base and changed the customizer_class.php. My site then crushed and I had to reinstall again the theme. Is there a simpler way (so no php) or a CSS code to hide links in logged login panel? I want to keep only Dashboard and Settings. (screenshot1) 2) I want the footer to be always on bottom (screenshot 2). I don't want it to go up, if there is not much content. 3) I have Loco Translate and I've checked all the localization files, that you provided in your directions, but still don't find where to find "Yes, send email", "No, do not send email", "A member accepts your friendship request" and others to translate (screenshot3&4) 4) How to remove the space (look screenshot3&4)? I also want the columns with "Yes, send email" and "No, do not send email" to have more space, so this sentences would be only in one row and not two. 5) I want to change the colors of widgets in DASHBOARD. How can I do this? (screenshot5) 6) In which localization file do I find the words Best, Name, Location, Bio, Select visibility. Loot at (screenshot6) 7) I want to change the LOGIN text in main menu and the icons to 16px. (screenshot7) 8) In course page - how can I a) change 2 weeks so it would write unlimited b) remove the entire row (time remaining: 2 weeks) --> (screenshot8) All my courses will be accessible for life and I don't want the students to see this.
    P.S.:Wherever there is a need for CSS to change something, please provide one. Thank you! :)
    Here are screenshot6,7 and 8 (regarding the questions above) And here is my page link - if you will need it to check -
    H.K. Latiyan
    1) Use this code in your wplms-customizer.php file before "?>" present in your wplms customizer plugin: add_filter('wplms_logged_in_top_menu','loggedin_profile_menu_dropdown',999); function loggedin_profile_menu_dropdown($loggedin_menu) {   unset($loggedin_menu['courses']);   unset($loggedin_menu['stats']);   unset($loggedin_menu['messages']);   unset($loggedin_menu['notifications']);   return $loggedin_menu; } 2) For this try using this custom css: .minimal #content {height:100vh;} 3) These comes from the vibe customtypes plugin, so translate the vibe customtypes plugin for this. 4) This is not possible to do so because it is generating from the buddypress DOM. 5) Try using this css: {
    background: #FFF;
    .dash-widget.assignments {
    background: #FFF;
    .dash-widget.units {
    background: #FFF;
    NOTE: Change the color code accordingly. 6) These are the profile fields name, so go to users->profile fields->edit the field name accordingly. Visibility text comes from the buddypress as this is a buddypress profile and most of the the text somes from the buddypress plugin. 7) Use this custom css: header .col-md-3.col-sm-8.col-xs-8 a,header .col-md-3.col-sm-8.col-xs-8 {font-size: 16px;} 8) Edit the course and set the duration as 9999 days, and it will show unlimited.
    1) RESOLVED 2) It didn't work. The footer becomes even more akward. Any other css maybe? 3) I've searched these words in vibe custom types plugin, but they are not there. 4) RESOLVED 5) RESOLVED 6) Half resolved. Profile fields names are resolved, but the buddypress plugin translation doesn't work. I've found the words, I've saved but then there is no change, even if the cache was cleaned. 7) RESOLVED 8) I've changed to 9999 and it shows "unlimited access" if the student is not signed in the course. But if I sign in as a student attending the course, it shows 0 weeks (or 4 weeks the first time they sign in to the course) on the course page, and then 0 weeks in the units page (time remaining - look screenshot). How can I solve this? You can test here: The page that I'm talking about is: You can test with: Username: TestAnejci Password: hdW#0)ZFTAfda%gAX08EengJ
    Anshuman Sahu
    2. We are trying to fix this in the upcoming update . 3. These texts are in Buddypress plugin . Please search Yes ,send email ,no strings individually . No news for you is comin from wplms dashboards plugin . 6. Please check that  buddypress-en_US.po/mo files are present in the Buddypress plugin -> bp-languages folder . If not then copy the files from wp-content/languages/plugins folder . The String BASE is coming from buddypress plugin . Note that "en_US" is language domain name for english you may have different . 8. It seems like that there is subscription enabled in your course product .Please disable subscription from your course product . refer : do not forget to click on edit product button .
    2. Refer this tip : 3. Apologies for the confusion, the screenshot strings displayed for "Activity","Friends", "Messages" module which are coming form BuddyPress. You should be able to see these strings in the BuddyPress plugin 8. The course time for "subscribed" users is maintained on a "per user" basis. So, if a student is subscribed for the course, the course duration displays his expiration time  and not the course time in general. To increase or decrease the remaining time of the student in the course, manage the time from Course - Admin - bulk actions increase/decrease subscription duration.
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