Dead Links, Support Confusion, Organization Structure

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  • #390482

    Good Afternoon WPLMS developers!! I have recent purchased the WPLMS system, and absolutely recognize this could be a game changer for me and my company.

    To give you an idea, of my experience, and professional level, I am a game, software, and website developer. I mostly create software that help my customers create games more easily, utilizing the Unity Game Engine (and soon also Unreal Game Engine). I would say I am a pretty adept developer.

    I intend to utilize the software and learning specific platform of your WPLMS , to teach my customers how to utilize my software. This said, I have found some important pain points in understanding, utilizing, and customizing your software.

    1) Dead Links or Bad Links - Many, many links, let it be plugin specific, or content in your very own website, have an unbelievable number of broken links to the end target link. This is impactful as it causes the end user, who has your product assume it is no longer maintained, at least in the regular timely sense. Also it breaks my ability to overcome understanding your product , if the links are breaking it from the beginning.

    - Such broken link and target | Solution is obviously to vet each and all links for broken stray links that lead no where, or no where intended. Examples include content I should have access too download for addons are even broken ( redirects to for example)

    2) Organization Structure- Inside the software, which is a theme file, and many unique yet same company theme LMS plugins, are very disorganized in terms of where a user "should" go to change a specific setting, feature, or change an aspect of the content in general. This alone is impactful as a user, will spend way too much time, trying to locate where something is, versus actually changing the content of the site to match their company look, and adding the LMS related courses they intend to sell or share.

    - Showing more or less the number of menus a user MUST access to make changes to their website utilizing WPLMS | Solution proposed is try to move your products content, to either a smaller single main menu with several submenus, or far fewer main menus and submenus. All of these menus and diversions to one menu to do something's then another menu to do something's else, is confusing, and very time consuming.

    3) Confusion About Support- I have found 2 different ways to submit for support with no clear understanding of which one is the proper one.

    - : Appears to be the correct path, yet when you click the lovely support button it redirects you to The way I utilized this, and the only way I could even register for this, was pretending I had an account, then clicking the Register Link, which alllowed me to register properly. Trying to register for support , would not work in any other way.

    - " This appears to be still "active" yet there are several places that says you all moved to Yet the actual site, redirects back to this site, which just adds to the confusion

    ** What is the proper support channel to address a end users concerns??

    4) Unified Login- I have found too my surpise, that if i login into, that my identity there, as well as, as well as, all seem to require unique registration and login / logoff. This can become an issue for a end user to even get the help they need, and should be unified. (one central login , for all wplms domains). Further this could be bad for actually being GDPR compliant as it means each user then needs to remeember where their unique data is stored, which seems to vary depending on which domain in they happen to access. I would say this is a critical issue.

    My Specific Questions

    In my case I have a few pointed questions and hope you can assist with them:

    1)     I need to know the best way to control registration and login/logoff, to allow for the following please:

    a.     Allow WPLMS to control the registration and user state, but allowing a way to make a custom additional field (for example a license key) that I can hook into , and check if a user has an appropriate license key.

    b.     Allow me, the ability to lock and or unlock courses , based on my own custom user system (I have already created my own internal plugin for registration, login state, etc.). I would still want the ability to support a users access to dashboard and your varied plugins, so ideally I would have my system handle registration and user sessions, but I would have the flexibility to inject new registrations and user states.

    c.     ** If there is support material, links, content, or something you could suggest for me to realize either solution that would be most appreciated.

    2)     I would like to know the likelihood of my above suggestions being worked on and implemented to make me, and other users like me, much more successful in the software’s use.

    In the end I believe your product has an incredible amount of promise, potential, and can make many people a success, but these simply yet important things I have brought up seriously are hurting the products useability. I hope you take the above recommendations as not an insult to the work you provide but the ideal solution(s) to solve many issues both real and potential.

    As always, thank you so very much for your time, and support. I look forward to your kind and prompt responses. Until then please have an amazing day/night.

    Christopher Andrzejewski

    President / Owner

    Vexstorm Studios

    [email protected] | [email protected]

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