Debug notice

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  • #106604
    Hi, when I enable the WPLMS Batches plugin I get many messages like the following in my debug.log file.  Do you know what the problem might be? ===
    [12-Apr-2017 21:09:04 UTC] PHP Notice:  Trying to get property of non-object in C:\path\wp-content\plugins\buddypress\bp-groups\bp-groups-template.php on line 534
    [12-Apr-2017 21:09:04 UTC] PHP Stack trace:
    [12-Apr-2017 21:09:04 UTC] PHP   1. {main}() C:\path\wp-admin\plugins.php:0
    [12-Apr-2017 21:09:04 UTC] PHP   2. require_once() C:\path\wp-admin\plugins.php:10
    [12-Apr-2017 21:09:04 UTC] PHP   3. require_once() C:\path\wp-admin\admin.php:31
    [12-Apr-2017 21:09:04 UTC] PHP   4. require_once() C:\path\wp-load.php:37
    [12-Apr-2017 21:09:04 UTC] PHP   5. require_once() C:\path\wp-config.php:113
    [12-Apr-2017 21:09:04 UTC] PHP   6. do_action() C:\path\wp-settings.php:449
    [12-Apr-2017 21:09:04 UTC] PHP   7. WP_Hook->do_action() C:\path\wp-includes\plugin.php:453
    [12-Apr-2017 21:09:04 UTC] PHP   8. WP_Hook->apply_filters() C:\path\wp-includes\class-wp-hook.php:323
    [12-Apr-2017 21:09:04 UTC] PHP   9. call_user_func_array:{C:\path\wp-includes\class-wp-hook.php:298}() C:\path\wp-includes\class-wp-hook.php:298
    [12-Apr-2017 21:09:04 UTC] PHP  10. bp_init() C:\path\wp-includes\class-wp-hook.php:298
    [12-Apr-2017 21:09:04 UTC] PHP  11. do_action() C:\path\wp-content\plugins\buddypress\bp-core\bp-core-dependency.php:235
    [12-Apr-2017 21:09:04 UTC] PHP  12. WP_Hook->do_action() C:\path\wp-includes\plugin.php:453
    [12-Apr-2017 21:09:04 UTC] PHP  13. WP_Hook->apply_filters() C:\path\wp-includes\class-wp-hook.php:323
    [12-Apr-2017 21:09:04 UTC] PHP  14. call_user_func_array:{C:\path\wp-includes\class-wp-hook.php:298}() C:\path\wp-includes\class-wp-hook.php:298
    [12-Apr-2017 21:09:04 UTC] PHP  15. {closure:C:\path\wp-content\plugins\buddypress\bp-groups\classes\class-bp-group-extension.php:1697-1701}() C:\path\wp-includes\class-wp-hook.php:298
    [12-Apr-2017 21:09:04 UTC] PHP  16. BP_Group_Course_Batch_Statistics->__construct() C:\path\wp-content\plugins\buddypress\bp-groups\classes\class-bp-group-extension.php:1698
    [12-Apr-2017 21:09:04 UTC] PHP  17. bp_get_group_id() C:\path\wp-content\plugins\wplms-batches\includes\batches\statistics.php:46
    H.K. Latiyan
    Generally these are notices and you can ignore this. This doesn't cause any issues on the website. If you are seeing these notices in the website then please edit your confiq.php file and set the debug to false.
    Hi HK, I want debug to be true for now to help with debugging a new site, but the problem is that I am getting these notices for every server request and it filling my debug.log file with MBs of data. It makes it hard to identify and debug real problems. Can you look into and fix the problem?
    H.K. Latiyan
    Hi, I have already fixed this issue for the next update of wplms batches plugin. There is a line in statistics file which is not used in the function and is left there mistakenly. If you want to resolve the debug issue, then please remove the line as shown in the screenshot: Present in includes/batches/statistics.php file line no 46  
    Great, thanks HK
    Anshuman Sahu
    Thanks closing the topic for now . you can always create a new topic if you find any issues.
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