Demo 9 header

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  • #151114
    Hi, I noticed that in Demo 9 the header and the menu is a little bit darker than the image uploaded. It's a good thing because it'easier to read titles. How can I do in order to have the same result?
    @Studiomedicopavesi_0412, You can set the header background color from wp-admin > Appearance > Customize > Header
    Thank you,  I imported demo 9, but the header is not exactly the same. How can I do in order to have the menu text circled with white background?
    @studiomedicopavesi_0412, This is possible with custom CSS. Paste this custom CSS in wp-admin > Appearance > Customize > Custom CSS This custom CSS is for both topmenu and main menu. You an change the background coor by passing color code according to your need. #menu-main-menu > li >a, .topmenu > li> a {background-color:#008000 !important; border-radius:50% !important;}
    Thank you Diana, this is the result Is it possible to modify the size?
    @Studiomedicopavesi_0412, Yes, you can adjust this by border-radius % which I have given you in the above custom CSS
    I dis as you suggested (I changed border-radius from 50% into 5%), you can see the result: What I want is: with all the menu text written in white, not in blue (in my case) as the theme color. Thank you for your help
    @studiomedicopavesi_0412, Please remove the above given code. It will look like this after pasting this code. If still, it will not work then please share your site URL with admin credentials in a private reply. I'll fix it for you. Refer: nav .menu .current_page_item strong { background: #b97ebb !important; width: 100%; padding: 10px 20px; border-radius: 20px; text-shadow: 0 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,0.2); }
    Hi Diana, thank you, the result now is the same as in your example. I need circled not all the menu, but only the page where I currently am. And hover effect when I am going to click on.
    @studiomedicopavesi_0412, Updated the above code, please try that css and let me know. It will work on the current page.
    Thank you, now perfectly works!
    @studiomedicopavesi_0412, Thanks for confirming. Now, closing this topic
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