Different bugs/issues Need help

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  • #306377
    I am posting these issues on facebook group but didnot got solutions. its been soo many days i am telling about these issues. kindly help me
    1. Running a dynamic quiz on laptop with 5 questions/page or practice question but to move down no iframe scrollbar available(in full screen).(picture 1 attached) 1

    2. if my students register directly using "sign in with google" their profile menu in members area shows up "main menu" not "student menu" and if the students register with email their profile menu in members area shows up as student. i set student menu differently. Why students are getting admin menu?(pictures 2,3) 2 3

    3. The signin page problem (have a look at picture 4) 4

    4. when clicking for the first time on "start course" it disappear and course doesn't star. 6 7

    5. in mobile view i am getting results like shown in figure below.How to set this screen. 8

    6. i added social sharing buttons but they are not showing anywhere. how to add social buttons in courses,units,quizzes etc to share them on fb. 9

    Hello, First please share only one issue in one topic, by which easy to resolve the problem, otherwise it is making confusion only, Please share admin credentials in private reply, I will see all issues one by one ,also share page url with issue mention in screenshot, Thanks,
    Thank you, please give some time to check these issues. 1. This scroll bar adds to a massive confusion as it is connected to a browser bug.We are still trying to find an answer to this, however the only UX issue it can posssibly cause is that the user may not get a clue that he has to scroll down and we can add a hint for that. IF you still want to show the scroll bar, try adding this css : .course_status_fullscreen.course_status_loaded::-webkit-scrollbar{display:block;} 2,5. Thank you we are replicating this.
    1. Please check if you are getting the fatal error from buddypress. This sends an email and it seems working fine, check the latest demos : https://demos.wplms.io/demos/demo2/

    2. This could be connected to email issue as well. Because the button assigns the course and sends email. Check if touch point is enabled in WP admin - LMS - Settings I also found that social signin is also not working in the first load. there is some https issue here: https://prnt.sc/ufz9a7

    3. We are checking this, we may have missed adding this in the elementor widgets.

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    This reply has been marked as private.
    did you cleared these issues?
    Hello, 1- I did replicate same on your local setup, First make a quiz named "jackson" after that same make a course from create course named " jackson" And add quiz in course and course in quiz , after that you can see that iframe scrollbar available to move down: https://prnt.sc/ugznf2 2- this is student dashboard not admin because here you can see that no create course optio available: https://prnt.sc/ugzsgd 3- Also this is responsive: https://prnt.sc/ugztno,,,, https://prnt.sc/ugzucv First please confirm these issue after that follow others, Thanks,
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    hi as the topic is full of queries so for other teammates it is really confusing to identify the exact issue so it will be great if you create a separate topic for more queries/issues as we are following one issue = one topic hope you are understanding or to continue on the same topic you need to wait for the @jackson as he is not present today
    this is not a good thing.. what's confusing? i shared each issue with number and pictures. You can respond to anyone ... as you can check this topic was created 4 days ago and i gave each and every detail and still you are giving me such excuse... 😐
    your every reply takes 24hrs houw could i get all the issues solved ....by this way it will take many days
    i am creating topics for each issue and will wait for jacksonfor no. 2 issue . Hope now you guys will help me
    2nd solved with latest vibebp update. closed this topic as i created other topics for other issues. thanks @jackson
    ok thanks.
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