Disable vertical scroll in H5P

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  • #325938
    Why does your team doesn't do anything with this huge bug for such a long time? It is impossible to do something with your theme in this way! https://drive.google.com/file/d/1PPKh1CwlRa9i6hWyW8zonCaBX5zcnYSO/view?usp=sharing
    Anshuman Sahu
    Well yes its a huge bug but this does not appears at our end if you added the h5p content with h5p unit type or quiz . refer :https://wplms.io/support/knowledge-base/h5p-integration-with-wplms-4-0/
    And what does it mean? The same problem was reported in the Facebook group by other users. In previous posts, I provided access to the site. You can check it out on my site. How much longer do I have to put up with your imitation of support?
    Have you already applied some fix ? The courses work fine wiht h5p. Checked in chrome and safari. Please share steps to replicate this issue. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1I65wYWmcba_6bD0Ba1qkGuRnjHPLriL2/view?usp=drivesdk
    the iframe in which h5p appears should automatically expand to new height. It takes few miliseconds to detect that, as an alternative a simple fix can be to post this CSS in customizer - custom CSS : .wplms_iframe_wrapper iframe { width: 100% !important; min-height: 500px !important; } would resolve this issue.
    "Have you already applied some fix ?" - No. The problem appears on your video: https://prnt.sc/vomr66 https://prnt.sc/voms37 https://prnt.sc/vomsdq https://prnt.sc/vomsni Thank you for the advice about your code, but it did not help in some cases: https://prnt.sc/von5d9 https://prnt.sc/vomwh2 https://prnt.sc/vomz0p
    Unfortunately, there is no further solution we can provide on this. This is a limitation of h5p and the integration works. The h5p does not supply any parameter which can specify its height, the run time detection is not always sufficient. As a temporary fix : You can try increasing 500px to 100px or heigher value.
    I tried your temporary fix but it didn't help also. But in 3.x version H5P was working fine! If this cannot be changed, it makes no sense to use version 4.0, because the logic of the courses is based on H5P. It's a bad user experience, especially on mobile devices. I believe that you can still do something.
    Anshuman Sahu
    Yes in V3 we were actually using the h5p internal code to render the h5p content in the unit there in ajax but in V4 we are using react Js and it does not lets javascript to be executed internally ,so we have to implement the h5p content from outside . IF you use the h5p unit type then the iframe scroll issue should not appear that much . But for the old format in units in v3 with [wplms_h5p] shortcode we are still finding a way to adjust the height of the iframes .
    thank you we're going to recheck this.
    Thank you for your replies. Now I understand that this is a difficult task for you. I hope you can handle it. In the meantime, I will try to find an alternative for the H5P, although I hope you will find a solution.
    Anshuman Sahu
    You can increase the height in this css in order accomodate the content height : change the 500px to 800px
    .wplms_iframe_wrapper iframe { width: 100% !important; min-height: 800px !important; }
    It does not help.
    Are you working to solve this problem? Because changing the css does not help.
    Anshuman Sahu
    Yes ofcourse we are working on it for other iframes as well.
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