Edit Checkout Fields

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  • #274191
    Hi, I want to edit the checkout fields. By default we get only 3 fields to fill - name, last name and email id. But i want to add a 4th field named Phone number in checkout page. How can i do that?
    wplms does not modify any behavior of woo-commerce. We just use woocommerce recommended hooks. You can check this doc: https://docs.woocommerce.com/document/checkout-field-editor/ If you want to show pincode and other fields here then we have an option for that. please goto wplms -> miscellaneous ->enable remove extra checkout fields . refer : http://prntscr.com/8yg5nz Set it to No and save changes The extra fields will start showing on the page. But for other fields, please follow the doc
    Checkout page – User is logged-In in app but while checkout it again asking for login or need to create new account. Suggestion:  Already logged-in user details should be fetched while checkout so no need to ask user same information again.</p>
    Dear USer, We are not handling this. It is totally handled by woocommerce. So it's better if you will enquire in their support section if this is possible or not I found this while I was searching: https://www.bobz.co/pre-populate-woocommerce-checkout-fields
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