Enroll in one course and gain access to other courses

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  • #325757
    How do we allow the student to purchase and enroll in one course, and also automatically give them access to all other courses?
    hi you can use course bundle a. Go to WP Admin – Products – Add new b. Create a new product and add the bundle description. c. Connect the courses you want in the bundle. d. Set the pricing for the product. http://prntscr.com/l4sf6t e. Publish the product. http://prntscr.com/l4sfbx Now anyone who purchases the product gets subscribed to all the courses connected to the product. Course Bundle is we can sell two or three courses with one woocommerce product. So You have to create a curriculum for each and every course it will look like this: http://prntscr.com/lnxnbl i hope this will help you thanks
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