EventOn "go to today" jumps to wrong date

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  • #4140
    Whenever I click on the GO TO TODAY link in EventOn calendar, it jumps to some day next month, not today. I know this is external plugin, but you guys made the integration here in WPLMS and I cannot register in their forum because I don't have their purchase code. So what should I do?
    Yes, I've been able to replicate the issue. I've created a topic on EventOn support for this. Will post the solution on this topic.  
    Same problem, will be waiting for the solution.
    Anshuman Sahu
    We have notified the author of the EventOn plugin for this issue .We are wating for their reply  .
    Resolved in 1.3 update of WPLMS EventOn plugin.
    My WPLMS EventOn plugin does not indicate there is a new update available. It shows version 0.1. where do I update?
    oh ! It seems you purchased the theme in the 12 hour window when 0.1 version was released. Please use this attached plugin. a. Go to WP Admin - Plugins b. Deactivate and delete WPLMS EventOn plugin. c. Upload the attached plugin and your plugin would be updated. Note : Next all updates of the plugin will be automatic.   Please update us on this topic in case the issue is resolved.
    Thank you. I updated the plugin, but it still doesn't work as it should. - at the beginning when you click on events link, it correctly shows today's date. However if you go to a different month and any other day than today, clicking on GO TO TODAY returns to correct month but incorrect day. Example:
    1. Go to the event calendar; it will show today's date October 30.
    2. Now go to November, but change day from 30 to 16 (or any other day than 30)
    3. Click on GO TO TODAY
    4. You'll be returned to OCTOBER 16 (or other day) which is not today, is it?
    I have setup the plugin in our live site here : http://themes.vibethemes.com/wplms/skins/modern/course/software-training/?action=events I am unable to replicate above behavior. p.s :Thanks for listing down steps.
    And yet I was able to replicate it on your site. Watch my video: https://youtu.be/W6a9djkusJw
    Hi Admin, Actually your demo site shows exactly the issue peppies described. At first it shows today's date. When you navigate away to a different date, and click "Go To Today", it only goes back to the current month, but still on the new day selected earlier. Regards.
    Anshuman Sahu
    Yep :|  confirmed the issue .Moving this topic to issue log . Wplms is just executing the eventon shortcode on events page . We have contacted the evnton plugin for the fix .Thi will be fixed in the upcoming update .
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