Exercises typo code errors

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  • #97764
    Hi guys, Some of our users told us that they are having trouble when completing exercises. The problem comes when they write sentences in English. They cannot right the symbol: ' Such as in expresions like: I'm... You've... haven't... I mean when they write the apostrophe it always turn the answer incorrect. even if it is correct, as we have already checked. The user only see that the answers has been calified as incorrect, but, us as administrators when we see the responses we see that that apostrophe has been transformed into: /' I mean the system turns ' into /' and then it gives answers as incorrect. Did you hear anything similar before? This is a major issue for us, since it makes the whole exercises system to fail correct qualifications. Thanks in advance.
    Anshuman Sahu
    Unable to replicate the issue at our end .Please check : http://prntscr.com/ee07yn .Can you please tell use the type of the question ? and also share steps to replicate this issue . Please also share your site url and admin credentials to check this issue at your end .
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    Anshuman Sahu
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    Anshuman Sahu
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    Anshuman Sahu
    Okay I replicated the issue this time . It appears when you have copy pasted the text in correct answer field of the question while creating question . to solve this simply edit the correct answer field and this time please write the correct answer (do not copy paste correct answer  .). refer : http://prntscr.com/essa9x Now while doing the quiz again write the answer by keyboard not copy paste it . I did the same and found the question evaluated perfectly fine check : http://prntscr.com/ess9rb Please also note here that usually small answer type question are not meant to be auto evaluated .If quiz contains small answer type questions then set the quiz to be manually evaluated .
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    Anshuman Sahu
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    Anshuman Sahu
    Unfortuantely, small text answers are not ideal for automatic evaluations as for question : which is the most powerful country in the world, there are asnwers like "america", "usa" or "united states" and you can not verify all the options. For this we've added an option in the LMs already : you can type the correct answer variations saperated by comma like america,usa,united states and the answer will verify any one of these and it should resolve your purpose. So, you can put both the versions of apostrophe in the correct answer.
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    Anshuman Sahu
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    Well, don't know what else to say really. I already asked our students what key they are pressing. It is the apostrophe one. The same one I use normally. You got a screenshot of it up in this emails. I also tested the same key user by our students and ALSO tested the other accent, apostrophe posibilities in the entire keyboard. Please answer this, I am just asking for an answer to this question: Can you explain why answers are saved like this: I/'m or Mike/'s (please take a look to the screenshot above) Neither me or our students press / We only press ' It may be working for you in your sytem. But it is not here for any of our students, everywhere in Spain. Is there a solution for it? Can you guys please check our site? Thanks again. I'll insist and insist, I can't do other thing. We are having serious trouble with this and changing to other LMS is not an option now, as you can imagine. Is there anyway you check our site even if that has a money cost? For a reasonable amount we would pay it.
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