Fillblank Questions Markup

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  • #111120
    Hi, we're having some issues with the fillblank questions. This is the markup of the output. <span class="nodeLabelBox repTarget "><<span class="nodeTag ">div</span><span class="nodeAttr editGroup "> <span class="nodeName editable ">class</span>="<span class="nodeValue editable ">question fillblank</span>"</span><span class="nodeBracket editable insertBefore ">></span></span> p>Get started with some digital strategy and p> </div> p class="live-edit" data-model="article" data-url="/articles"> </div> skills for activists here. Then lets build some kick ass sites together! p>p> </div> </div> div> This is the input in the editor: Get started with some digital strategy and [fillblank] skills for activists here. Then lets build some kick ass sites together! As a result of the text following the fillblank not being in the paragraph tags, the font sizes and formatting are acting weirdly. I could try to patch this with CSS but we want to use fillblanks in many different contexts so its hard to get right. Here is a url of a quiz with this issue We've updated the theme and plugins. Do you have any other suggestions how to correct this issue? Thanks heaps!
    H.K. Latiyan
    Hi... Can you also please share the admin credentials with us to check the issue on your website. PS: Please mark your reply as private while sharing the credentials.
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