Footer Adjustments – Copyright div width

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    I'm trying to set up the footer on a new WPLMS installation at I've previously provided an admin account if you need to use it, and let me know if I need to reset the password or anything. Initially, I was just using the copyright text and either a menu or social icons in the standard footer. However, the copyright text column was only 3 units wide (col-md-3) and that wasn't big enough for my text. I edited footer.php to make both the copyright text div and right div 6 units wide each (both class col-md-6), but my changes to footer.php didn't have any effect. Perhaps its because I'm using the One Course child theme and I edited the footer.php file in the main theme? I thought the child theme would inherit the change, though. Then I tried setting up some widgets in the Footer Top Sidebar and Footer Bottom Sidebar, but none of my widgets ever displayed on the site. I tried different browsers and clearing cache and everything. Does the One Course child theme hide the footer top and bottom sidebar widgets? Whatever the case, how can I adjust the copyright text div so that it will be wider?
    Yes, you are correct the footer widgets does not seem to be working as you are using the one course child theme. But i have changed the footer style which has increased the dimension of the copyright text.
    Cool! Thanks so much. It looks like you edited footer.php. Is that indeed how you made the change? If not, how did you do it? Are the footer widgets supposed to work? If they are, might this be fixed/enable in a future update? Thanks again and have a great day.
    I also just noticed that something now seems to be wrong with the login box, maybe just with css. See that attached screenshot. This weekend, the ajax pop-up login box worked correctly, but something is wrong now. Also note at the bottom of the screenshot that "Return to login" with a text field for entering an email address for password recovery. I think that shows up because of the wp login shortcake that's above it? How can that password recovery field and stuff be hidden for not-logged-in-users visiting the site?
    The default header and the footer widgets does not work fine for the one course child theme. We have marked them as a bug. For now i have made the necessary settings on your site to make it look ok.
    Great. Thank you for taking care of that and for marking those issues as bugs. One more thing for now, though: Can you hide the password recovery stuff that not-logged-in users see on the homepage as highlighted in this screenshot?
    .home .container  div#wplms_forgot_password_form {display:none !Important;}
    I'd like to join this topic, I want to make copyright text span over full width instead of (apparently) on   checked in Chrome and IE
    Please refer to this screenshot : Go to wp-admin->appearance->customiser->add custom CSS-> add these lines and save. div#footerbottom .col-md-3{width:100% !Important; text-align:center !Important;} div#footerbottom .col-md-9{margin-top:-20px !Important;width:100% !Important; text-align:center !Important;}
    Thanks, does the customized css stay there during theme/plugin upgrade ?
    Hi, @Baranello Yes, it stays intact on the upgrade.  
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