Hide menu items

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  • #330815
    Hello, how I can Hide menu items in WPLMS 4? For examples in "course" I like to hide quiz_results item and assignment_results items, and I like to hide "dashboard" I tried with this code in customiser plugin but is not working: add_action('bp_setup_nav','bp_remove_menu_tabs_from_user_profile',999); function bp_remove_menu_tabs_from_user_profile() { if ( bp_is_user() && !is_super_admin() && !is_user_logged_in() ) { if(!bp_is_my_profile()){ bp_core_remove_nav_item('dashboard'); } } Thank you, Marco
    You can set different menu locations for instructor and students from vibebp >> Settings >> Buddypress >https://prntscr.com/w8euzc And then create different menu for each of them and do not add dashboard in that. then set it for profile menu for students from here-> https://prntscr.com/w8ex9n
    Dear Ada, thank you for suggestion, but how can hide the "Quiz" submenu from "My courses"? Thank you, Marco
    Ok , I am sharing CSS code for this . Please add it in appearance >> Customize >> Custom CSS
    #vibebp_member #course_component .vibebp_left_sidebar a.menu-child.quiz_results {
        display:none !important;
    #vibebp_member #course_component .vibebp_left_sidebar a.menu-child.assignment_results{
        display:none !important;
    this code will hide my quiz and my assignment tab from the my course menu for all users . So let me know if it works for you or you want to hide it for specific user role.
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