hide the sidebar in free units of a course

Home Forums Legacy Support Support queries How-to & Troubleshooting hide the sidebar in free units of a course

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  • #278223
    i want to hide the sidebar in free units this is my url https://outliveer.com/unit/what-is-html/?id=1012 in there the video and the image is overlapped by the sidebar so I want to remove it how can I do it
    @praveenalessio Edit the unit in backend and check which sidebar is connected in that unit. Then Go to wp-admin  - appearance - widgets and locate the sidebar then remove the widgets from that sidebar
    it is the course sidebar. if i remove the widget from it the ones in the course directory also go away. is there any way to just remove them for the free units?
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    @praveenalessio Connect this sidebar for course directory by editing the page in the backend: http://prntscr.com/tqxenr Fo directories this sidebar should be used Now you can add the widgets in this sidebar and can remove the widgets from course sidebar because now you have two separate sidebars
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