Hide unit description & course accordion

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  • #102379
    1. How can I hide the unit description from appearing on the top of all lesson pages? See yellow highlighted section here: http://prnt.sc/ems3kq I have my site configured so that unit descriptions show in the course curriculum, so don't want to lose that functionality. 2. Also, I have my site configured so that the course shows in accordion style. On the curriculum page, however, all section are set as closed when first viewing them. How can I configure WPLMS so that the first section is open when potential customers first se the page? Thanks!
    Anshuman Sahu
    1. Please try adding the given css in your wp-admin-> appearance -> customize -> custom css : .page-template-start .unit_title h1+h5 {display:none} 2. Please follow this tip for this : https://wplms.io/support/knowledge-base/open-first-section-in-course-curriculum-for-accordion-style/
    Thanks! Both of these issues are now resolved.
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