hover problem in mobile view

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  • #46508
    hi, i found that it should be tap twice to expand a flexed menu in mobile view. It seems a common problem of hover behavior in all mobile devices. Is there any solution to make single-tap possible?
    H.K. Latiyan
    I tried to open your site in an android device and works fine, the mobile menu opens in one tap only. However this was an issue in earlier version and to resolve this in 2.0.8 version we had increased the padding around the menu icon and since then this is the first time this issue is again reported. First please check if your theme and plugins are all updated to latest version i.e. theme is and plugins are at If still the issue occurs, then try using this custom css in your appearance->customize->custom css: header a#trigger { padding: 10px 15px 15px 15px;}
    Sorry for my poor description The menu I am concerned should be the one in video video here actually I added some CSS to prevent the menu disappeared when scrolling ups and downs:
    .no-touch .single-course.c5 #item-nav div.item-list-tabs#object-nav li a:hover { display: block; } .no-touch .bp-user.p2 #buddypress div.item-list-tabs#object-nav li a:hover,  { display: block; }  
    in  fact, the touble-tap problem persists even the above CSS removed
    H.K. Latiyan
    Apologies for misunderstanding. This is the course menu and appears in mobile only, and yes this is an issue we will try to fix this in our next update. Marking this as a bug. You can track the development from here, Trello: https://trello.com/c/iawvjg9X
    thanks for the reply!
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