How to complete a whole section for student?

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  • #153304
    Hi guys, I had an E-learning system with more than 450 students. and they had differents progress on it. Some where completed module 1, others completed module 2 and this course has 7 modules with 290 lessons (Units). Now, I moved all these 450 students to my WPLMS platform and I'm completing lessons (Units) for them, I'm complete their completed lessons, as were on my previous platform. BUT it's taking SO SO Many times..... although I'm completing using front-end as you can see here: It's taking many times, because I have 450 and each students has already completed in average 30 - 60 lessons (Units). So, as they will study using this new plataform WPLMS I've created. So I have to complete these lessons for them. Because they have to start on exactly lesson (Unit) they stoped on previous platform. SO my question is..... Is there a way to complete a whole section instead of only "ONE LESSON (UNIT) a time? as I printed it??? Is there a way to set a percentage of lessons completed and automatically complete their lesson? Can I change this using Data Base mySql?   Please, help me..  
    Mark Morgan
    Well it is not easy to submit this data through database query and mark section complete option is not available in wplms as of now. So we advice to complete these units with the available method.
    Mark Morgan
    Welcome, should i close this topic now.
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