How to download course as a student

Home Forums Legacy Support Support queries How-to & Troubleshooting How to download course as a student

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  • #374168
    service worker is only enabled in welcome-hublearn page which is our PWA. All other pages SW not enabled. Thats how your SW is designed If I am not wrong. and in the video you showing the url is our sign up page and this page is not cached nor SW cached. We dont want our sign up page to be cached, we want only the welcome hublearn page to be SW and offline cached and which is working. Problem is when we logs out from welcome-hublearn page then our own cache does not work unless we clear the SW offline cache.
    Anshuman Sahu
    I am not able to understand your video and the issue you are facing ? Once our service worker is registered then it will began to cache the files and the two pages home and Bp single page . Then these pages get served untill the service worker version is changed and its regenerated or someone disable the service worker .
    your service worker only cachces our PWA page welcome-hublearn which we wanted and thats good. It does not cache any other pages not even home page. All other pages/posts etc are cached by swift performance plugin which we called page caching. Issue is: When we logins to our pwa page, it starts caching the pwa page and this is good but if we logs out from pwa page, then your caches blocks our swift performance cahched files until we clear your cache files that saved into browser. This is the video trying to show.
    I suspect this could be because of cloudflare "under-attack" or "heavy security" mode that you have configured in your cloudflare settings. can you disable it and recheck.
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