How to insert text in unit

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    Anshuman Sahu
    Hi yes we found this issue today and released an update of vibebp plugin version
    I updated the pugin, but unfortunately issues are still there.
    Anshuman Sahu
    Hi this was an issue , we have fixed it today please update again vibebp version -
    Hi Alex, despite the updates I still have problems writing texts. - I can't insert bullets. - I can't go to new line and start a new paragraph. - I noticed that the fonts on the course presentation pages are not of the same size when I update something. - The layout is not correct. You've done the updates, but the situation hasn't changed for me. Is it a problem that now concerns only me?
    Anshuman Sahu
    Yes the issue still appearing as we were failed to fix it up. We are working on it .
    Please provide me a CSS code while we wait for a new update. I found a lot of codes here Please provide me the latest and correct version. I need only basic functions in order to write unit, course and quiz description with: - bullets - numbering – go to new line and start a new paragraph – with the same fonts size in all pages. Thank you.
    Hi, Okay For bullets and numbering please add this css code in custom css section-
    #vibebp_member #course_component .vibebp_main ul{
        list-style-type:disc !important;
        padding-left: 40px !important;
    #vibebp_member #course_component .vibebp_main ol{
        list-style-type:decimal !important;
    padding-left: 38px !important;
    #vibebp_member #course_component ul.create_course{
        list-style-type:none !important;
    .vibebp_main .course_curriculum_builder .field_curriculum .vibev_editor .vibe_editor ul {
        list-style-type: disc !important;
        padding-left: 38px !important;
    #course_unit_popup .unit_content ul{
        list-style-type:disc !important;
        padding-left:38px !important;
    #course_unit_popup .unit_content ol{
        list-style-type:decimal !important;
        padding-left:38px !important;
    #vibebp_member #course_component ul.course_curriculum_builder_list li.vibe_vibe_course_curriculum, li.vibe_save_curriculum_button {
        list-style-type:none !important;
        padding-left:0px !important;
    #vibebp_member #course_component .course_timeline ul {
        list-style-type:none !important;
        padding-left:0px !important;
    #vibebp_member #course_component .vibebp_main p+ol{
        margin-top:10px !important;
        margin-bottom:10px !important;
    For rest please create a seperate topic as it will get messy here.
    Thank you for the codes. The situation is still the same. Moreover, in course description bullets and numbering are no more available.
    You need to click here for getting bullets and numbering option
    Thank you, now in Course description it's possible to ho ahead and bullets and numbers appear, but the size of the carachters is not the same. I have set all course description with titles H4, now how can have this? If I go in LMS Courses and change Title high I loose all the style. In Unit the CSS given are not working
    Hi, For course description heading and content styling use this css in custom css section
    .single-course .course_element_text .vibe_editor_rich_text h3 {
        font-size:24px !important;
        font-family:'roboto' !important;
    .single-course .course_element_text .vibe_editor_rich_text p {
        font-size:16px !important;
        font-family:'roboto' !important;
        margin-top:0.6rem !important;
    Hi Ada, thank you, as you can see there is something more to adjust. The space between paragraphs is not correct and it's not possible go ahead and start a new chapter.
    Hi, For space before list add this css code in appearance>> customize>> custom css
    .single-course .vibe_editor_rich_text ul, ol {
        margin-left:32px !important;
    For p element I added a line break while editting and it is appearing like this
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