How to use a (url) unit in course creation

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  • #354197
    Hi all, We have set up a video class that runs a series of face2face video sessions. Now The teacher should be able to accomplish the following: Let's say, in the second lesson the instructor needs to send out a (website) URL i.e. for a text to read as course material for students, prior or after the session. Is there a unit type or some idea on how to forward a URL into a classroom? (Other then the chat function in BBB, jitsi etc). Reason is: We want to keep track of the handed out material! Thanks for your help!! -Stefan
    hi the delay in response due to support holiday well this can be only achieved with the free units you can directly send the unit links
    Thanks, all units are free with this page. Could you please explain: "you can directly send the unit links". I think I'm not all sure what you mean, sorry.
    hi means you can directly use the free unit URL as As a non logged in users, users are able to see the free unit
    So I can set a unit in the curriculum (course creation) just containing a URL for learning purposes? Where to I paste the URL? I'm sorry it's still not comprehensible.,...
    HI, Yes You'll need to use an text unit and you can use unit access time and date feature if you want it to available on a certain date or time. paste the URL in the unit .
    hi let me explain Is there a unit type or some idea on how to forward a URL into a classroom? (Other than the chat function in BBB, jitsi, etc). the free unit type is the unit type that can be accessed by the non-logged in user as well so if you want to share the unit URL that user directly click on the link so will redirect to the unit and you can share the link on BBB, Zoom, jitsi, Group, Forum, etc and if you want that unit is only accessible to the logged-in user only then disable the free unit in unit setting
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